i think this ought to be the best movie of 2007.aamir khan once again gives us an elegant cult classic post RDB. but the child artist darsheel safary steals the show.i fell in love with taare zameen par when the promos were being aired in the music channels.well,after watching the movie,i'm left for words.
the movie's central character is eshaan awasthi(played by darsheel safary)this lad of 8or9 years carries the show with elan.eshaan is just like any other normal child.he is notorious,playful,lethargic to go to school,dreamy.but apart from this eshaan possesses a creative talent in painting.but young eshaan becomes vulnerable when it comes to studies.he fetches poor grades,whereas the boys of his age are able to scrape through good grades.the teachers have the conception that eshaan is a dumb git and he gets punished for his insincerity in studies.but even after the punishments there is no improvement in his studies.his father has enough f his impotence in studies and lands up him a boarding school.
but young eshaan still continues to fare in the same way in studies.he has to bear the tantrums and scoldings of his teachers.it is then the arts teacher ram kumar nikumbh(played by aamir) comes to his rescue.he notices the repeated pattern of mistake that eshaan makes and concludes that the lad is suffering from dyslexia.
Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that manifests primarily as a difficulty with written language, particularly with reading and spelling. dyslexia results from differences in how the brain processes written and/or verbal language. Although dyslexia is the result of a neurological difference, it is not an intellectual disability. Dyslexia occurs at all levels of intelligence, average, above average, and highly gifted.
the director (aamir) beautifully portrays the resentments eshaan has to face being an unlucky victim of dyslexia.there is no one to listen to his woes.there is no one to inquire why eshaan is incapable to study like a normal child of his age.eshaan undergoes the criticism,scoldings and his morale and self confidence is blown into pieces.but the child faces and undergoes the resentments without raising a voice.he also ceases to paint which he wa so good at.
it is then the arts teacher who decides the uphill task of curing the boy's learning disabilities.the film also gives the examples of renowned geniuses lik einstein,edison,picasso,da vinci who also had learning disabilities in their childhood.the rest of the movie showcases how the arts teacher helps him in overcoming his learning disabilities.he helps in building up the confidence of eshaan back and eshaan also gets back in doing at what he was best at(painting).there is a painting competition held in the school and eshaan comes out as a winner of the event.to the surprise of his father , eshaan manages to score well in his academics too.
there is a strong message from this movie. one should not stress a child above the limit which he can't sustain.one should also try to know the problems of the child with love and affection rather thandetesting the child.and of course every child has a special talent in him/her which we ought to tap and give it a proper direction.and before ending,i would say every child is special and so is Taare Zameen Par....
my rating out of 5: ****
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